Sunday, 7 December 2008


Ok, so I'm watching Orange Unsigned Act on T4, and Pyrelli, who's the only Hip Hop artist to get this far in this competition has just performed.

I'm not sure of the track, but I actually thought,'I need this track for my radio show tonight!!!'
After getting the crowd hyped up with the call and response, they seemed to enjoy it.

Then came the judges verdict.

Simon Gavin 'Wasn't so keen...a bit more run of the mill...'
Lauren Laverne '...What you do is very slick, but there's no spark...'
Alex James 'You can't expect people to take you seriously when you have 'Wigga Wigga' (mimicking scratching) on your's 2008...IT'S 2008!!!'

1: Big up to Pyrelli for getting this far in a competition where all the odds are stacked against him it seems.

2: Aren't these judges meant to be experienced in music enough to understand the different types of acts that make different types of music which may not be their taste?

3: Alex really pissed me off as he tried to shit on Pyrelli by mocking this culture I know and love, Blurting out that kinda bullshit is like me saying, 'Alex, you can't expect ANYONE to take you seriously, the bass guitar was invented in the 1930's and it's 2008....' You get my meaning?
What about the song? What about the performance?
Well, while typing this, tryna calm down, Pyrelli didn't make it through to the next round, even though a few of the other acts fucked up their performances cause they '...had a big night last night.' Obviously not taking it seriously...the only reason he didn't make it was because he had scratching on his song????

No wonder Blur hasn't released anything or gone on tour since 2003...But Damon Albarn continues to make records and money with his other projects (Gorillaz...which coincedentally fuses Hip Hop with other Genres of music)

It's like these so called judges only listen to live bands and guitar music....Isn't it all just music??
Fucking dickheads...

1 comment:

Incisive said...

Hearing exactly what u saying on this one fam...feelin the blog...and ur movement for a while. Got some stuff to send you....heard you played my tune with Kyza the other day....hit me up....


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