Just stumbled across this tribute show we did 2 days after the passing of the most important man in music (yeah I said it!!!!).
I was thinking I should wait until the 27th for the 2nd anniversary of his passing...but nah, you NEED to hear this...
We heard the news on Boxing day, Ted got his vinyl together, I got busy recording what vinyl I had at the house to my serato (98% of my records are now in storage...sniff) and I think we did a good job seeing as we had to prepare on Boxing day...we tried to cram as much as we could into the 2 hour slot which included adverts. (which I edited out)
So sit back, do what ever you do to relax and take it all in...
Just imagine if James Brown never existed...what would Hip Hop sound like?
Fuck that, what would music in general sound like?
Comments please!!!!
Hour 1ne
Hour 2wo
well this looks sick! thanks man
this reminds me, was chatting to some DJ the other day about people hassling you for tunes...he was spinning some James Brown and some girl comes up and asks him if he could 'play something funky'!
HA HA! I remember that story...lol
i was in dubai last week and was playing tony matterhorn's 'dutty whine' and some dude comes up to me and asks for 'a bit of tony matterhorn'...the mind boggles...
lol....some people are lost!
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